Monday, October 30, 2006

"The Society of Clueless People"

Our name "The Society of Clueless People" is not used in an exploitive or a derogatory way. It is used in recognition and acceptance of our incapacity to fully understand or process the knowledge we possess about God, the universe and the afterlife. Simply put - we lack the intellectual power to understand these mysteries - they are beyond our comprehension.

Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einsein, Voltaire, Napoleon, Charles Darwin, Carl Sagan, Ernest Hemmingway, Thomas Jefferson, Bertrand Russell, Isaac Asimov, Mark Twain amongst millions of other human beings living or dead have admitted to being "Clueless."

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.” Albert Einstein, Theoretical physicist

An agnostic is a person who feels that God's existence can neither be proved nor disproved, on the basis of current knowledge and evidence. Agnostics note that since the beginning of time theologians and philosophers have tried to prove that God exist. Others have attempted to prove that God does not exist. Agnostics feel that neither side has convincingly succeeded in making their case.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence..."Carl Sagan, American astrobiologist

TSOCP CREED - Information, Logic and Common Sense

The creed of the Society of Clueless People is based on facts and a perspective predicated on logic, common sense and - as best as we can determine - factual information. It is not based on any faith, theory, spiritual belief or ideology. We believe knowledge of God the universe and the afterlife is beyond our comprehension at this time in human evolution - but we are open to any proof to the contrary.

The site/book will use a series of essays, arguments, commentaries and stories relative to subjects that are germane to our premise. We have no answers or conclusions - we supply pertinent information on various subjects - you form your own conclusions.

As part of our premise we would like to feature some of the leading proponents of different religious and non-religious movements - Andrew Sullivan, Catholic - Rick Warren, Christian - Neale Donald Walsch, New Age Spiritualist - Paul Kurtz, Humanist - Michael Shermer, Secularist - Sam Harris, Atheist - plus noted Jewish, Buddhist and Muslim voices.

Most of these prominent people come from a place of conclusion - some kind of absolute truth - of certainty. We feel they are all more likely wrong than any one being right.

The Society of Clueless people come from a place of no-certainty and no-conclusion. We realize there are many points of view and many different answers, but - we believe - there is no absolute answer. We like to think of our point of view as a "breath of fresh air!"

"Are you smart enough to know your Clueless?"G.D.Fury

Check out Good for "The Society of Clueless People" T-Shirt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a terrific concept!

10:53 AM  

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